BurnX is a new cooperative exchange model that supports project development and improves coin economics through burn.

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BurnX is a new cooperative exchange model that supports project development and improves coin economics through burn.

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The objectives of crypto projects and exchanges are misaligned.

Current exchange models create a parasitical relationship that focuses on fee extraction rather than the success of projects. In 2018, exchanges removed an estimated $5B from the crypto economy through trading fees.

While exchanges benefit from over $5B in fees, some of the most important crypto projects remain underfunded without the ability to adequately support development. In addition, members of the project community are holding these coins without available liquidity.

The BurnX cooperative is designed specifically to address project funding gaps while stimulating their coin economies. There are two ways BurnX takes action.

  • The platform redistributes exchange fees back to partner projects that traders believe are reshaping the ecosystem.
  • The platform uses exchange fees to buy and burn partner project coins to reduce circulating supply.

This means that every trade you make on BurnX fuels the most promising decentralized projects enhancing the crypto ecosystem.

BurnX Laptop Light

Many coins will be listed and traded on BurnX with only a select group cooperating as partner projects

Why Join BurnX?

  • 100% of fees associated with partner projects are used to buy and burn supported partner coins
  • Traders contribute to the cooperative exchange by selecting the Partner projects they wish to support with a percentage of their trading fee
  • Partner projects contribute to the cooperative exchange by moving market making activities to BurnX in support of their community
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BurnX creates trust in reported volume

Many exchanges inflate their reported volume to attract traders while BurnX builds trust with its traders through built-in controls. BurnX partner project donations and coin burn uniquely create an associated expense for the exchange that serves as a disincentive for BurnX to fake volume or manipulate trades.

Daily trading volume Burn Dev
$5m to $25m 20% 10%
$25m to $50m 30% 10%
$50m to $100m 40% 10%
> $100m 50% 10%

Pre-Register to Join the BurnX Cooperative

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We will notify you when it’s time to create your trading account.

The BurnX exchange will reward traders who join the movement in the first 10 months through the distribution of the XBX exchange token.

The profits and governance of the cooperative exchange is democratized between partnered projects, traders, coin holders and the BurnX team through the XBX token.

While exchanges benefit from over $5B in fees, some of the most important crypto projects remain underfunded without the ability to adequately support development. In addition, members of the project community are holding these coins without available liquidity.

The BurnX cooperative is designed specifically to address project funding gaps while stimulating their coin economies. There are two ways BurnX takes action.

  • The platform redistributes exchange fees back to partner projects that traders believe are reshaping the ecosystem.
  • The platform uses exchange fees to buy and burn partner project coins to reduce circulating supply.

This means that every trade you make on BurnX fuels the most promising decentralized projects enhancing the crypto ecosystem.

Exchange Trading Fee Allocation

Other Exchanges

100% Exchange Profit


Exchange Management, BXB Burn, Project Development Fund, Project Coin Burn

* > 100M in daily trading volume.

Start Trading Early to Maximize XBX Holdings

XBX Distribution starts at 2 Million at the first month, and then decreases to 1.5 Million the second month, 1 Million on the third, and on until the tenth month when the XBX Distribution is 100,000. After that the XBX burn begins.
  • All holders of XBX will have the ability to vote on the direction associated with future listings and exchange features. 1 XBX = 1 vote.
  • BurnX will NOT hold an ICO for the distribution of the XBX token. XBX will instead be distributed to participants in the BurnX cooperative pari passu with contributions to the cooperative through trading and marketing.
  • Similar to BNB, BurnX will use 20% of all exchange fees collected to buy back and burn XBX after the initial 10 month distribution period has expired.
  • XBX is 100% reserved for cooperative member distribution only.

Partner Projects Win

Exchange fees are shared with partner projects based on the trading volumes of affiliated users.

Coin Holders Win

Exchange fees from all listed coins are used to buy and burn partner project coins. [see table]

In addition, 100% of fees associated with partner projects are used to buy and burn supported partner coins.

BurnX Exchange Win

BurnX profits from an equitable relationship between projects, communities and the exchange.